Team Members:
Tom Ward, Team Captain
Reid Bruggmann
Lisa Baird
Sculpture Name:
The Great Beyond
Sculpture Description:
Thank you for viewing our entry. I live in Denver but spend a lot of time in Fraser visiting friends, mountain biking and skiing. Participating in the 2021, 2022 and 2023 Fraser Mural Fest was a definite high light of those years. I am excited at the potential of contributing more to the cultural growth of one of my favorite places in Colorado! With this snow sculpture 'the great beyond' we will be recreating as a relief a metal sculpture we installed at Vicious Cycle Brewery in 2023. This surreal design is inspired by the town of Frasers playful theme "Planet Fraser". What exactly would one do on Planet Fraser, a viewer might ask? Here we attempt a surreal and playful answer.