Sculpting Rules & Information
Sculpting Rules & Information
Sculpting Rules & Information
Sculpting Rules & Information
Sculpting Rules & Information
Each team will be provided a snow cylinder with a diameter of 7.5 feet by 9 feet tall. The block of snow shall be used entirely and carved all the way around. Only the original block of snow or any snow onsite may be used to create your sculpture. In the case not enough snow can be made, a smaller block will be made. It will be a 4 feet by 4 feet by 8 feet rectangle. In the case no snow can be made, 5 ice blocks will be used. Measurements of a block of ice are approximately 20 inches by 40 inches by 12 inches. The block of snow may only be expanded 2 feet taller (up to 12 feet tall) and 2 feet wider (up to a diameter of 9.5 feet).

Each sculpture carving team can have a maximum of 3 carvers.
Professional team carvers must be at least 18 years old. High school team carvers must be enrolled in high school.
Sculpting will start on Wednesday and ends at noon on the following Saturday.
Sculptures will remain up indefinitely (weather permitting).

Only hand tools can be used to create the sculptures. No power tools are permitted. Teams may provide and use their own specialty tools and scaffolds. Molds are allowed but must be used onsite. Lasers for straight lines are not allowed. Dry ice can be used on site but cannot be part of the finished sculpture.

The only materials allowed are snow, ice and water. No colorants may be added and no other materials may be used. No supports or armatures may be used. Spray paint, chalk lines and markers can be used for layout purposes but all color shall be removed before judging or the team and piece will be disqualified.

Sculpting teams are required to sculpt a design that they have never carved in snow before. There is no theme requirement for these designs. Therefore, the sculpture ideas are truly inspired by the artist's creativity.

First, Second and Third Place awards are selected by the artists. There will also be a People’s Choice award. The first-place team will compete in the National Snow Sculpting Competition the following year. If the 1st Place team for some reason cannot attend, 2nd Place will take their spot at Nationals and so on. Awards are based on:
• Technical Skill – 40 points
• Creativity – 25 points
• Expressive Impact – 25 points
• Adherence to original submission – 10 points